Monday, December 16, 2013

CG’s Professional Reading List

An Army of Salespeople, Not Limited to USAREC

MG Allen Batschelet
USAREC Commanding General

How closely related are sales and recruiting? While professionals in USAREC have long debated the comparison, a book I just read shed new light on sales. In sum, every leader -- whether in recruiting or in an operational unit -- is in sales. Like it or not.

Initially, I bristled at this idea. Sure, I get the fundamental similarities between recruiting and sales. The comparison is helpful, to a point. But when our organization is lumped into the big ‘sales’ category, I want to push back hard.  Becoming a Soldier is so much more than sales.

Daniel Pink's book “To Sell is Human” persuaded me to overcome my visceral reaction and rethink what most of us do as ‘non-sales’ selling: persuading, influencing, and convincing others. For example, physicians sell patients on a remedy. Lawyers sell juries on a verdict. In social media, whether LinkedIn or Twitter, we sell ourselves, claims Pink. His argument that we must all be elastic in our duties, considering how we are influencing others, starts to ring true.

Pink's compelling discussion describing the attributes of the new "sellers" -- attuned, buoyant, and clear -- is worthy of at least three professional development brown bag lunches down to the company level. While I don't believe all the author's points directly translate to Army Recruiting Command, they shed a different and illuminating light on how we view ourselves and operate.

The three chapters dedicated to practically selling ideas -- in our case the idea of becoming a Soldier -- hold the greatest practical application. His tips on clarifying our messages for all forms of media and situations are challenging, and his examples are very helpful.  Improvising when the “sales pitch” hits turbulence with the audience illustrates what our best recruiters do well, an area we all can improve on. The closing chapter on inspiring service is right up our lane: make our sales ‘message’ one that is a call to service, both personal and purposeful.

Wherever you find yourself in USAREC, you are involved in sales as Pink describes it. Filtered through one’s own experience, each of us can be better if we read and apply in our own way the key lessons in “To Sell is Human.” I would definitely put it on your must-read list in the next quarter.

Professional and trade journals are also part of my regular reading.  I pass along a few recent articles that piqued my professional interest:

·         If the Story is Viral, Truth May Be Taking a Beating (NYT)

·         "Generation Wait": 4 years after recession, mobility for young adults stuck at 50 year low (AP):

·         Here's where teens are going instead of Facebook (Forbes):

As you keep reading, let those of us in the USAREC Professional Community know what -- whether a book or an article -- is shaping your leadership here on MilSuite.