Thursday, January 9, 2014

Seeking STEM prospects strengthens our Army

MG Allen Batschelet
USAREC Commanding General

Recruiting for the Army is a continual process. Often the most current enlistment numbers are what you see in the news. Yes, the current numbers are important; however, planning for the Army of the future is the real key to our success and to national security.
The challenges the next generation faces are vital to the safety of our country, which is why we are planning now for the Army of 2020. By then, we will have a new Army, a new look and a different size. Right now is the time to think about how we need to prepare our youth with the skills and knowledge they will need to lead our future nation, whether their path is in the military, government or business.
There is a big push in education to get kids interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) for a reason. These fields are making big impacts in both the military and civilian sectors right now, and their importance will only grow with time.
From an Army perspective, getting current sixth-grade students interested in STEM will provide the Army of 2020 with a new generation of Soldiers equipped to handle the challenges the future holds.
It’s important for educators, veterans and community groups who share our passion to join together to ensure students have the essential skills needed for the workforce of the future. For the students who decide to join the Army family, I promise they will be part of a strong team – a team of men and women who have chosen to be stronger than they are now.

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